2014 AIDS Philanthropy Summit
Tools & Strategies to Move Beyond 2015
The 2014 AIDS Philanthropy Summit will begin and end with a focus on integration. As we move closer to the endpoints of a number of key milestones, including the Millennium Development Goals and the U.S. National HIV/AIDS Strategy, finding synergies and intersections in funding across issues, among partners and between sectors will be key to address the disparities and injustices that caused a disease to become a pandemic, and which continue to cripple our efforts to end it.
The Summit will open with a focus on resource flows, bringing together the latest private and public funding data from the fields of HIV/AIDS, human rights, sexual and reproductive health and rights, and LGBTQ Issues. This will provide a frame for two days of concurrent and plenary sessions that will highlight both U.S. domestic and global best practices, strategies and tools designed to address a number of critical questions, including: How have funders adapted their portfolios to help end AIDS? How do we ensure that HIV/AIDS remains visible within the future development agenda? What partnerships and advocacy will ensure an effective philanthropic response to HIV/AIDS and pressing social justice issues? What are the roles of advocacy and key affected populations in investing in impact? What do funders need to know about PrEP and the future of prevention and treatment for key affected populations?
Finally, a panel of philanthropic infrastructure organization leadership will close the Summit in a dialogue focused on how we bring our movements together to address shared goals in advancing health and equity.
- Final agenda
- Overview of concurrent-sessions
- Speaker bios
Plenary Sessions
The Mandate from Here: A New, Integrated Approach to Resource Flows
Monday 8 December
9:30 – 10:45 am ET
FCAA has been tracking the philanthropic response to HIV/AIDS for 12 years. Since 2007 the field has significantly decreased in number of funders, resulting in a steady decrease in the amount of funding. Why, and how, is this happening? How do we energize the field, and recruit new partners, to change this trajectory?
With two full days of the Summit focused on the impact and niche of philanthropic funding, this session will provide a common understanding of how much, where, and to whom actual funding is being disbursed, and opportunities moving forward.
Session Goals:
- Launch FCAA’s latest edition of Philanthropic Support to Address HIV/AIDS;
- Examine new resource tracking methodologies and collaborations;
- Provide an overview of funding data from public sources and intersecting communities of human rights and LGBTQ funders; and,
- Discuss the vital importance of understanding and improving data to impact the global response to AIDS and other key social justice issues.
Moderator: Sarah Hamilton, FCAA
Speakers: Greg Millett, amfAR; Lyle Matthew Kan, Funders for LGBTQ Issues; and, Christen Dobson, International Human Rights Funders Group
Moving from Rhetoric to Reality: Strategies to Ensure Human Rights in the HIV Response
Monday 8 December
1:30 – 3:00 pm ET
Less than 1% of funding for the global HIV epidemic supports human rights programming and advocacy.Organizations around the world that have led the fight for human rights in the context of HIV are facing a severe funding crisis. Pioneering and effective groups and movements such as South Africa’s Treatment Action Campaign are at risk of shutting their doors. This funding crisis will not only stymy global efforts to keep the AIDS crisis in check, but will also affect human rights organizing by those most affected by HIV, such as LGBTI people, people who use drugs, sex workers and women and girls. Global health financing and policy institutions from UNAIDS to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB, and Malaria (Global Fund) have declared that human rights interventions must be central to the global HIV response if we are to reach our goals of achieving an AIDS-free generation.
During this session, funders, policy makers, and activists will discuss how to address this disconnect between rhetoric and reality.
The session will describe the goals set by FCAA and UNAIDS during the recent “Sustaining the Human Rights Response to HIV” meeting in order to engage the broadest possible set of donors in pursuing them. The session will also serve as the launch of the new Human Rights & HIV Funder Work Group, a collaboration of the International Human Rights Funders Group and FCAA.
Moderator: Jennifer Kates, The Kaiser Family Foundation (TBC)
Speakers: Meg Davis, The Global Fund; Jason Sigurdson, UNAIDS; Jonathan Gunthorp, Southern Africa AIDS Trust; Krista Lauer, Open Society Foundations
Prepping for PrEP: Bringing PrEP to scale for HIV Prevention
Tuesday 9 December
9:15 – 10:45 am ET
In July 2012 the FDA approved daily Truvada as the first drug to be used to prevent HIV infection. Known as Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), this new HIV prevention approach where HIV-negative individuals use anti-HIV medications to reduce their risk of becoming infected has been known to reduce transmission by more than 92% when taken on a daily basis.
But will it work in the real world? With the rollout of PrEP at different stages across the country and globe, what do we know for sure about this new approach? Is it safe? What are the barriers to access and adherence? What does it mean for gay/bi men and for women? How is it changing the conversation about sexual health? Can we afford to sustainably implement PrEP?
In this moderated plenary session, organized by the San Francisco AIDS Foundation, a doctor, an activist, a PrEP user, and a popular blogger on the topic will explore the controversial community debate taking place around the use of PrEP, and will share feedback and data from the start-up of a new PrEP clinic operating within San Francisco AIDS Foundation’s sexual health services clinic. Significant time will be also given to discussing how those in attendance might make a difference in their local fight to end HIV transmission.
Questions to be addressed:
- What are the pros and cons of scaling PrEP treatment for gay/bi men and women?
- What is the role of PrEP in women’s health and safer conception? As part of sexual health conversation for gay/bi men?
- What might the impacts be to public health and HIV prevention efforts? Can we afford it? Can we afford not to utilize PrEP as a prevention tool?
- What are the unknowns about PrEP and how do we share that information with clients?
- Can PrEP help us create an “AIDS-free generation?”
- How can, or should, private funders get involved now?
Moderator: Dr. Robert Grant, San Francisco AIDS Foundation Speakers:Nadji Dawkins, CRUSH (Connecting Resources for Urban Sexual Health); Damon Jacobs, PrEP Educator/Blogger; Dazon Dixon Diallo, SisterLove, Inc.
What does an AIDS grant look like in 2015? Broadening Our Focus Without Losing Clarity
Tuesday, 9 December
3:45 – 5:15 pm
In order to clearly communicate their interests to grantseekers, funders often tightly proscribe parameters for their support. But what starts out as best intentions to save time and energy on both sides of the grantmaking relationship can lead to tunnel vision on the part of the funder, and splintered efforts on the part of the grantee. Intersectional approaches to grantmaking allow funders to consider the broader contexts in which grantees operate and the lived experiences of those they exist to serve.
While FCAA has made the commitment to focus on collaborative and cross-issue strategies, what does that really mean? How can we be effective in a landscape of competing funds and rapidly changing circumstances? This closing session will provide the opportunity for a guided, group conversation with key leadership of Grantmakers In Health, Funders for LGBTQ Issues, International Human Rights Funders Group, Funders Network on Population, Reproductive Health And Rights, and the Africa Grantmakers’ Affinity Group.
Developing strategies to effectively and collaboratively address all of the overlapping issues these 6 groups address is a tall order, but, with the guidance of our partner affinity groups, we hope to take the next step in crafting a call to action to engage our mutual membership networks in coordinated efforts to address the health, equity, and human rights drivers that impact the work we all do. Panelists will offer multiple case studies – from the elimination of child transmission, to advocacy, to social determinants of health – to open up a candid conversation on points of frustration or synergy, political or institutional constraints, and actual opportunities for collaboration.
Session Goals:
- Explore the intersections of our various fields through the lens of health and rights
- Examine how HIV/AIDS funding specifically supports, overlaps with, is absorbed by, or competes with the work of intersecting funding communities
- Ignite new ideas and strategies for cross-issue funding and partnership that preserve issue expertise and focus.
Moderator: John Barnes, FCAA
Speakers: Mona Chun, IHRFG; Ben Francisco Maulbeck, FLGBTQI; Denise Shannon, FNPRHR; Faith Mitchell, GIH; Niamani Mutima, AGAG