Funders Concerned About AIDS (FCAA) informs, connects, and supports philanthropy to mobilize resources to end the global HIV pandemic and build the social, political, and economic commitments necessary to attain health, human rights, and justice for all.
We invite you to scroll through the pages below to learn more about this work, and how FCAA informed, connected and supported the HIV-informed philanthropic response in 2022.
Some highlights include:
Hosted close to 400 participants at six virtual events and one in-person networking event
Launched the Eastern Europe and Central Asia funder working group, with a focus on the war in Ukraine
Published the 19th edition of our signature resource tracking report, and two data infographics
Brought our data to new heights through a partnership with AIDSVu
Underwent an Executive Director transition
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
As the Executive Director of Funders Concerned About AIDS (FCAA), I am honored and humbled to be leading an organization that plays such a critical role in the global HIV response.
FCAA tracks, interprets, and shares information about funding, policies, and programs. Over the last year, it analyzed global HIV-informed funding for key populations and assessed how private philanthropy supports the 57 jurisdictions in the Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. Initiative.
In its ongoing effort to connect and convene leaders in HIV-informed philanthropy, FCAA hosted 369 participants at six events — both in person and virtually — throughout 2022.
FCAA promotes and facilitates new HIV-informed funding initiatives, partnerships and tools to drive toward solutions and help advocate for change. When HIV-informed funders lead on issues of racial and gender equality and justice; innovations in health or pressing issues of human rights; and needs for government responsiveness, accountability, and action, we seek to elevate their messages.
With a new Executive Director at the helm, FCAA introduces this fourth new pillar to its strategic plan – SUSTAIN – signifying a commitment to sustaining the philanthropic infrastructure necessary to move towards the end of HIV, and to ensuring our organization’s capacity to carry out its mission.
FCAA’s 46 members collectively represent close to 60% of worldwide HIV-related philanthropic giving, making us a powerful force in the fight against HIV and AIDS.
FCAA’s longtime executive director John Barnes retired in early 2022, and the organization appointed Masen Davis as its new Executive Director in November. Masen is a seasoned social justice leader and nonprofit executive who has spent more than 20 years advancing human rights and healthcare for vulnerable populations, especially global and US domestic trans and LGBT organizations.
Masen, along with longtime staffers Sarah Hamilton and Caterina Gironda, and a visionary board of global philanthropic leaders, will be guiding FCAA through an important moment as the organization goes through a leadership transition while also navigating changes in the HIV philanthropic landscape.
MembersHIP & grants directory
In 2022, FCAA added a third year of grant data to its powerful, members-only tool that combines resource tracking data with membership information. Use this resource to:
- Inform and support HIV grantmaking
- Facilitate new opportunities to connect and collaborate