HIV is a Feminist Issue: A Call to Action for Funders

FCAA in the news: Alliance Magazine

The HIV epidemic poses a unique risk to the education, economic advancement, health, and rights of women and girls around the world. Globally, 53% of people living with HIV are women, yet the most recent data from Funders Concerned About AIDS (FCAA) found only $55 million USD (8%) in HIV-related philanthropy supported them in 2022. This equates to just $2.7 per woman living with HIV.

Behind this data lies a deeply gendered story. Power imbalances, a lack of access to care, and stigma make women and girls more vulnerable to HIV. In an effort to shed more light on this issue and collaborate on solutions, funders and activists will come together at the Moving Money, Building Movements Convening in advance of the 15th AWID International Forum this year. But first, we have homework to do.

Read the full piece in Alliance Magazine.