Jennifer Sherwood

Dr. Jennifer Sherwood is the Director of Research, Public Policy at amfAR, the Foundation for AIDS Research, serving since 2014. In this role, she leads amfAR’s policy-related project portfolio in the areas of gender, women’s health, and sexual and reproductive health and rights.

Jennifer’s research has focused on improving reproductive justice and gender equity in global HIV policy. This has included a 45-country study to investigate the effects of the Global Gag Rule on recipients of U.S HIV funding and a 60-country study to examine trans inclusion in National HIV/AIDS Strategic Plans. Her research has been included as evidence in the Lancet, National Public Radio, the Government Accountability Office report on international family planning, and U.S. Senate subcommittee hearings for global health.

Jennifer holds a PhD and masters from the Population, Family, and Reproductive Health department at the Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health and a BA in Anthropology and Gender Studies from Rollins College. She was voted to the Board of Directors in November 2024.